So I had some time for myself and decided to go for a day trip to the Amish people. PA is only about an hour away, so that was not that difficult.
I had heard of the covered bridges they have in PA and was always sort of fascinated after reading "The bridges of Madison County". Got to PA, received a map and started looking around.
I had heard of the covered bridges they have in PA and was always sort of fascinated after reading "The bridges of Madison County". Got to PA, received a map and started looking around.
Needless to say I got lost a few times and drove around one of the bridges at least twice. But the great thing about havung time is, you have time.
I did not find that many covered bridges but each has its own little charm and the day was beautiful, so things were great.
I also drove to Strasburg and tried to catch a glimpse of the Amish live; however as it was late I could not really get into the Amish Village. Interesting to see the horses and carriages drive around though.
So all in all a great day!
Ich hatte etwas Zeit neben kochen und einkaufen und entschloss mich nach Pennsylvania zu fahren. Es ist nur ca. eine Stunde entfernt und das Wetter war zu schoen um drinnen zu sein.
Neben den Amish Leuten haben mich besonders die ueberdachten Bruecken interessiert. Nachdem ich eine Karte bekam hab ich mich also auf die Suche gemacht.
Leider habe ich nicht viele gefunden und bin sicher mindestens zweimal an derselben vorbeigefahren ohne sie zu finden, aber das tolle ist, wenn man Zeit hat hat man Zeit.
Und fuer das Amish Dorf war ich auch etwas zu spaet, aber eigentlich ist das egal wenn der Tag so schoen war.
Ich war in York und Strasburg, was immer witzig ist, denn York ist in England und Strasburg in France. Also bin ich masl wieder in Europa rumgefahren.
Also, alles in allem, ein toller Ausflug!
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