Yet again it's been a while and it is time I finish my vacation with my mom. The last few days were spent in Sydney. Even though the weather was not the greatest, we had a lovely time just walking around the city. And then we had a great dinner and some drinks at the end of the day.
Obviously there was shopping to be done as well and PACKING!!! Packing is the worst, because Mom wanted to take the blanket she bought when it was so cold. And we thought that it was going to be too heavy having all the things in the suitcase. In the end the suitcase was even lighter than the day she got in. HA! Must have been all the chocolate we left with Jana and never to be seen again (well it was for her anyways.). awesome! As Mom had the privilege to fly Premium Class, she also had her own personal check in desk. Gee, I wonder if I ever get the pleasure of THAT.
And then it was saying good bye time. After driving over 6500km (about 4000miles), having a lovely smelly car, seen and done things we would normally not do, it is was difficult to say good bye and we had such a great time, I wish we could have had a little more. But maybe, just maybe we can manage to do another trip next year along the east coast and to the crocodiles. That would be great. For now I am looking forward to be home in time for the snow and take my niece and nephew snow sliding. They have asked me if we can do that along with going swimming and generally just be around.
I miss you Mom as well as the rest of the family. This time around it is hard for me too, because everyone is so far away and I cannot just go home for a few days. But time is running fast and I shall be home soon. Fort a little while.
Es hat mal wieder etwas gedauert und es wird langsam Zeit, dass ich die Reise mit Mama fertig schreibe. Die letzten Tage zusammen haben wir in Sydney verbracht. Obowhl das Wetter nicht das Beste war, hatten wir doch eine schoene Zeit einfach nur rumzulaufen. Und dann noch das tolle Abendessen und ein paar Drinks am Ende des Tages.
Du fehlst mir Mama, genau wie der Rest der Familie. Dieses Mal ist es mir etwas schwerer gefallen, weil alle so weit enfernt sind und ich nicht einfach fuer ein paar Tage mal nach Hause kommen kann. aber die Zeit vergeht schnell und ich werde bald wieder da sein. Fuer eine Weile.
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